Renting Laptops: How This Growing Trend Could Help Your Company
You may have considered renting some electronic equipment in the past, especially for presentations, special printing jobs, and so on. But have you ever considered a rent a laptop option? While this option doesn’t occur to many companies, it can be a highly effective solution for a variety of projects or problems you may encounter. What kind of projects?
When you think of office training, you typically think of desktop computers, which are suitable for many types of training…but not always. For example, if you want to train a whole class of new employees at once, you’ll need a room full of PCs. Which you will agree isn’t practical for many businesses. Renting laptops, on the other hand, is much more cost effective for teaching classes with a high number of students. Just remember to make sure that the laptop can run the necessary software for your training goals.
Transition Models
Transitioning to a new office or to new computers is often a painful process filled with scheduling roadblocks. Do you want to avoid running into situations where your peers and employees are left drumming their fingers, unable to work because of missing computers or desks? Rent enough laptops to help employees transition to a new place or set-up while still being able to do their work…while also having the freedom to quickly relocate when necessary.
Rent a Laptop for Demanding Presentations
Sometimes you can get by with a few handouts and give a very effective presentation. Other presentations are more difficult – you may want to introduce more complex software, offer an interactive portion, or give something for antsy people to do. Renting laptops for the audience is an excellent way to make sure that you will be able to guide them through complex presentations while making sure everyone stays on the same page! Try renting for a day when you are giving multiple presentations in the same place for maximum savings.
Specific Mobile Positions
If you have a hardworking sales or PR person who is always on the move, consider an option to rent a laptop until the project is over. This is particularly useful if their current tablet or laptop just can’t handle the demands of the project and its software. But the employee needs to keep on moving. Get them a laptop that serves as a more effective communication tool, and put their time to better use!
Specific Mobile Offices
Suppose you don’t have just one employee on the go – you have a whole department or team that needs to work in an offsite location. Equip them with laptops and set them loose to make sure they have the resources that they need, when they need them.